The rain sounded like a thick curtain of falling wind throwing itself into the tall moss covered trees. It was a very cool and wet evening as I walked down a forest road returning to my small dry cabin. Nearing a small bridge I could see below the high foaming waters of Jim Creek. Twilight had settled in with the towering trees and its darkness was starting to grow into the descending night.
Looking up I was surprised to see a lone star twinkling between the clouds. I still believe in stars. They have such a magical presence and I decided to make a wish. Picturing the tiny star being inside of me I wished for love. A subtle sensation like a ringing bell opened up within me and quivered down my spine. Perhaps it is only my body shivering in the cold, I thought.
It seemed that the rain was stopping as I continued down the dark road. I remembered once seeing a lone coyote crossing it. They are masters of concealment, so clever and adaptable. Their species have learned so much from living in the wild. A star should be named after them, I reflected.
Then I noticed large specks of snow falling on my parka sleeve. Not seeing any white puffy clouds from my breath I knew it was still too warm for ice to be forming on the ground.
A streetlight next to the road illuminated the twisting branches of nearby trees. It always amazes me the way they reach out like trying to grab something only they can see and know. Their eyes dwell in the darkness of the forest and I wonder if sometimes I can hear them distantly talking.
Through the now swirling snow I could see the yellow porch light of my cabin. Upon arrival I collapsed into a chair just outside the door and wrapped myself in an old Army blanket for warmth. I thought about my world spinning in a dark wind that has wandered too far and has become lost. Perhaps we all need to be lost before we can find freedom, right? First there is night and then we wait for the coming dawn.
I felt sleepy so I got out of my chair, walked into the cabin and started a fire in the woodstove. The flickering light glowed beautifully in the night as I sat quietly watching it. Then laying down in a sleeping bag I began to fall asleep. Outside the heavy snowfall continued and there was heard the distant call of a lone coyote. In a deep slumber I began a journey through a wilderness of dreams where only stars and wandering coyotes can guide you.