By: Brad Cole

So many people will mow down the flourishing wild flowers that have blossomed in their overly manicured lives. The simple and free gifts of nature are full of ancient and unadorned wonders that are quickly crushed under the blind weight of social strife. The artificial and contrived replaces what was once organic and real. Relationships become hollow and drab and people suffer from a lack of meaning and value. Senseless ambition can be very destructive to humanity.

We work hard to take care of ourselves and our families. What is important are healthy, nurturing relationships. This is how we build communities that can and will support their own people. A good life will always need to be guarded from the bad.

It only takes a good heart to out grow conflict. Only those with genuine down to earth character can become a true leader of a people searching for guidance.

Children are like flowers and it is from our natural, wholesome lightthat they will grow and prosper. They need to be able to believe in themselves.

So take care when answering a strange knock on the door, it may well be the blind weight of an ugly world falling down on you. Remember that strength can be found in the land that you love.